Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What are Backlinks?

Why Are Backlinks Important for Search Engine Optimization?

What are Backlinks?
Backlinks are known as incoming links (inlinks) are hyperlinked  text that when clicked will redirect the visitor to your web site or a blog. Backlinks are very important in terms of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because more the inlinks to your website or blog the more the chance your site will come on top of a search engine index list.
The reason you are probably reading this article about backlinking is because you have been told that backlinks are important for SEO, now the only question remaining is that, how do you get high quality backlinks to your website?

First things first, create high quality content for your website or blog in your specific niche and this has to be original content and not copied from other websites. Always remember that good quality content is what will keep the traffic to your site and establish you as an authority in that niche therefore ensuring that the site visitors always come back to your site.

Here at Tera Tech we have come up with some ideas as a way of getting you started with creating quality backlinks for your website in the following steps:

1. Place links strategically:
It has become a thing of the past spamming across many  forums and blogs to get more backlinks. Although some people still practice and encourage this practice, we have found that it does not always work as website owners get to filter through incoming comments and if yours are marked spam with some software or plugins, this could alert the search engines and your site can be marked as a spam site or removed from the index. It is advisable to look out for a targeted audience specific to your niche and on leading blogs or forums whose influence you can tap into to establish your self through regular and helpful comments to these forums.

2. Guest Blogging: 
This is one of the greatest ways to develop high quality backlinks, the only trick would be to pick influential blogs with in your niche, choose appealing and important topics to the members of the blog. The articles written should be keyword optimized, just remember that you are writing  the articles for people and not the such engines so always avoid keyword stuffing in the content that you write.

3. Create backlinks social media:
Today no one can understate the power of social media in building quality backlinks. Its no longer about posting stuff on Facebook or just Tweeting, search engines these days take not on who is posting on social media and the quality of links on the postings. Get on all social media, this will not only increase your product views, it will also directly take back visitors to your site from the links on social media. 

4. Keywords and Backlinks:
Like I mentioned earlier that you are having quality content and remembering to write articles for people and not search engines, when the keywords on your website or blog do not match to where you are linking from,  the search engine will know and that's a fact. Remember that the search engines also penalize for keyword stuffing, and other off book tricks you can use in an gaining high ranking for your site. You don't have to force keywords where they don't fit, let the article flow naturally and the usage of keywords will not be a problem if you writing about the correct subject to the right targeted audience.

5. Have a defined backlink strategy in place:
Depending on the resources at hand or size of your business but it is important in whatever strategy that you choose to remember the following;
  • Develop fresh content for your website so that people always have something new to look forward to, that will keep them coming back to your site. 
  • Use the power of social media.
  • Guest blogging remains you best shot.
Good luck.

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